The Mustache Resolution

With Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and Rev. Terry Forke.

Law and Gospel – Live from Convention

Guest host Rev. Wes Reimnitz and special guest Rev. Nabil Nour discuss theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding items at convention.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Peter 2: A Living Stone and a Holy People

1 Peter 2: “A Living Stone and a Holy Place” with guest Rev. John Lukomski from Trinity Lutheran Church in Darmstadt and St. Paul Lutheran Church in New Athens, Illinois.

His Time – Lutherans for Life, Lutheran Heritage Foundation, “Paul Called by God”

(1) Laura Davis, Director of Y4Life at Lutherans for Life, (2) Matt Heise, Executive Director of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, and (3) Rev. David Riley looks at Galatians 1:1-24 and gives today’s sermonette.

Special Programming: Live from the 66th Convention of the LCMS

Kip Allen interviews Bishop Amos Bolay of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia and Rev. Craig Donofrio, missionary to Eurasia.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Peter 1: Born Again to a Living Hope

1 Peter 1: “Born Again to a Living Hope” with guest Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director of National Mission with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

Faith’n’Family – Live from Convention: Culture and Education

With guests Tim Goeglein and Rev. Dr. Dean Wenthe.

His Time – LCMS Convention Update, “Barnabas and Paul relate signs and wonders”

(1) Updates from the 66th LCMS Convention, and (2) Rev. Anthony Alter looks at Acts 15:6-21 and gives today’s sermonette.