The Coffee Hour — Support for New Pastors and Families (Rebroadcast)

How do new pastors and their families find mutual encouragement and support? PALS Facilitators Rev. Steve Wagner and Rev. David and Kassie Weaver join us!

The Coffee Hour — Pilgrims, Puritans & New England: Ep. 2 – Plymouth Plantation

What happened when Separatists from the Church of England left for North America? The Rev. Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie joins us for Episode 2 of our series “Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Founding of New England.”

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: LCMS Youth Gathering

How does the LCMS National Youth Gathering feed and nourish the faith and vocations of the participants?

The Coffee Hour — Deliver Us: Exodus 16-23

Why was complaining a temptation for Israel after they left Egypt, and why is it still a struggle for us today? The Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing joins us for Part 3 of our series on “Deliver Us: God’s Rescue Story in Exodus.”

The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2025 Preview!

Mark your calendars for April 3rd-5th so you can join us for Sharathon 2025!

The Coffee Hour — English Bible Camp: Taiwan

How can you serve at the upcoming English Bible Camp in Taiwan?

The Coffee Hour — Partner Church Requests New Seminary in Taiwan

How can theological education strengthen the Lutheran church in Taiwan and beyond?

The Coffee Hour — Pilgrims, Puritans & New England: Ep. 1 – The Puritan Movement

Why did the the Puritan movement start, and when did Puritans decide to travel to the New World? The Rev. Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie joins us for a nine-episode series on “Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Founding of New England.”

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: Young Adults, Art, and Architecture

Why is it important to provide young adults with a space to grow in theological understanding?

The Coffee Hour — Deliver Us: Exodus 7-15

What is significant about the miracles in the exodus story? The Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing joins us for Part 2 of our series on “Deliver Us: God’s Rescue Story in Exodus.”