With guest Rev. Paul Cain
Faith’n’Family – Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education
With guests Rev. Robert Paul and Joanna Hensley.
Faith & Family – Featured School: St. Paul Lutheran School in Hamel-Worden, IL
With Deaconess Lynnette Fredericksen and students from St. Paul Lutheran School.
Faith’n’Family – March For Life Live; St. Paul Lutheran School, Hamel, IL for #NLSW17
With guests Katie Schuermann, Russell Gombosi, M.D., Deaconess Kim Bueltmann, Donna Harrison, M.D., Rev. Michael Salemink, Deaconess Lynnette Fredericksen, and students from St. Paul Lutheran School Hamel – Worden, IL.
Faith’n’Family – Exemplary Lutheran Schools and Home School Partnerships
Exemplary Lutheran Schools and Home School Partnerships
Faith’n’Family – CCLE Conference
With guests Rev. Stephen Kieser, Mrs. Erika Mildred, and Rev. Paul Cain.
Faith’n’Family – National Lutheran Schools Week
With guests from Lutheran High School North, St. Louis, MO and St. Paul Lutheran School, Hamel, IL.
Faith’n’Family – National Lutheran Schools Week
With guests Erika Mildred (Messiah Lutheran Classical Academy) and Brian Ryherd (Lutheran High School South).
Faith’n’Family – National Lutheran Schools Week
National Lutheran Schools Week — with guests from Trinity Lutheran School in Red Bud, IL, and from Lead a Child/Children’s Christian Concern Society.
Faith’n’Family – National Lutheran Schools Week
National Lutheran Schools Week — with guests from Lutheran High Schools South, Martin Luther Grammar School, and Trinity Lutheran Church.