LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – 7 Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry: Engaged Parents

Engaged parents are a critical part of healthy youth ministry. Mark and Julianna discuss the role of parents in youth ministry and how congregations can support parents in their vocation.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Bri’s Big Question: Trick-or-Treating

Should Lutherans go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween — or not?

Concord Matters – The Power and Primacy of the Pope (Rebroadcast)

The Power and Primacy of the Pope in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Sean Smith and guests Rev. Rev. Peter Ill and Peter Slayton

News Break – A beloved pastor enters glory

Friday, October 11, 2019 – Headlines

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Rachel’s Trivia Challenge: Lutherans in Show Business

Put on your thinking caps and play along with Rachel’s Trivia Challenge!

Thy Strong Word – Isaiah 19: Blessed Be God’s People Egypt

Rev. Thomas Eckstein, pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, North Dakota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Isaiah 19.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Welcome to End Goals

LCMS Youth Ministry staff Rev. Mark Kiessling and DCE Julianna Shults introduce End Goals and how they hope it will help you develop seven practices of healthy youth ministry in your congregation.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} How to Lutheran with Bri: The Midweek Supper

In Bri’s new segment “How to Lutheran,” she waxes rhapsodic over styrofoam bowls of chicken noodle soup, leaky yellow drink coolers and all the other austere culinary delights of a traditional Lutheran midweek meal.

Mission Field: USA — Which Mission Models Can Be Replicated?

Rev. Geoff Robinson explores the importance of using models of church planting that are not only sustainable but can be replicated to allow for the multiplication of many more.