LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Listening Skills for Parents and Youth Leaders

Mark and Julianna talk with DCE Darcy Paape on her experience and recent development of curriculum that can help both youth leaders and parents have solid listening skills.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Easter Egg Traditions Around the Globe

How do Easter egg traditions enrich our celebrations of Christ’s resurrection?

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep26. Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs | Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva, R.N.

Deaconess Pamela shares a faithful and honest story of her mother’s dementia diagnosis and the grief she experienced both before and after her mother’s death.

Mission Field: USA — Starting the Church Planting Conversation

Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb shares tools that are available to provide basic information to get the discussion started in your congregation.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid Brigade} Surprise Special Guests with Trills, Frills, and… Gills?

The Zion Lutheran Quilting Circle ladies welcome special guests from the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Podcast!

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Spiritual Vibrant Households

Rev. Jason Broge of Lutheran Hour Ministries talks about how to help foster spiritually vibrant Households of Faith.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} ICYMI: Next Book Club — Wonderfully Made

The Ladies announce their next pick for the Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club: the Rev. Dr. John Kleinig’s Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Book Club Wrap Up: The Enchanted April

Rachel leads Sarah, Erin, and Bri in a recap discussion of the latest Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club selection: Elizabeth von Arnim’s The Enchanted April.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep25. Friends in Real Life: Parenting Twins with Autism | Rev. Sam & Olivia Pitsch

Sam and Olivia share their story about the joys and the challenges they share in raising twin boys who have been diagnosed with autism.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Hymn Sing with Sarah: Holy Week Hymns

Sarah looks forward to Passiontide with a Hymn Sing episode on Holy Week hymns.