How do we decide who to serve and how to serve when there’s so much to be done within the church and outside the church?
God’s Mission Here: S1Ep1. The Who, What, Where, & Why of God’s Mission | Rev. Michael Meyer, Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, Rev. Dr. Mark Wood
What is God’s mission? Where is it? Who gets to be involved? Why is God’s mission my mission?
God’s Mission Here: Introducing God’s Mission Here!
LCMS National Mission introduces a new podcast that is a must-listen for all people seeking to serve God’s kingdom where their own two feet are on the ground.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep6. Pornography: A Broken Vision for Sex | Daniel Weiss
What are the dangers of pornography? How does it miss the mark for God’s plan for sexuality? And why is God’s vision for sex altogether better than the counterfeit of porn?
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep3. Transgenderism in Teens & Adolescents | Dr. Beverly Yahnke
A Christian response to the growing trend of transgender issues among teens and adolescents.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep2. Male & Female By Design | Dr. Joel Biermann
Is sex a social construct, or is a person created male and female by design? Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Joel Biermann answers this question and more!
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep1. Is Sexuality Really That Big of a Deal? | Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor & Steph Neugebauer
Listen as Tiffany and Steph introduce the “why” behind this season and how God’s written and natural law change everything.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep0. Special Announcement for This Fall!
You won’t want to miss this short but sweet episode!