Join Steph and guest Rev. Graham Glover as they talk about the role of Christians in the civic realm, Christians and voting, and how Christians can influence government and civil issues beyond the polls.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S6Ep1. Left-Hand Christians | Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor & Stephanie Neugebauer
Steph and Tiffany introduce Season 6: Christians in the Civic Realm.
God’s Mission Here: S5Ep4. Prison Ministry | Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Nehrt
“The message of the Gospel is for all people, even those who are incarcerated and connected with the prison system.”
God’s Mission Here: S5Ep3. Service of Mercy: A Deaconess’s Perspective on Specialized Care | Deac. Raquel Rojas
“We share the love of Christ with listening ears, heart, and mind and receive what they (those in our care) give to us in return.”
God’s Mission Here: S5Ep2. Pastor-Chaplain Relationship | Rev. Daniel Grimmer
“Visitation is not just for pastors or deaconesses, but there are a lot of opportunities and activities for the congregation to get involved in too.”
God’s Mission Here: S5Ep1. What is LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry? | Rev. Dr. Brian Heller
Rev. Dr. Brian Heller and Deac. Dr. Tiffany Manor discuss the ins and outs of LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry.
God’s Mission Here: S4Ep6. Mental Health First Aid | Kelly Menke
Kelly Menke joins Tiffany and Steph to talk about being trained in Mental Health First Aid and why it’s also an important toolkit to have on hand!
God’s Mission Here: S4Ep5. Can Unforgiveness Affect Mental Health? | Rev. Dr. Mark Rockenbach
Join Steph and Dr. Mark Rockenbach for a discussion about how forgiveness affects mental health and how withholding forgiveness affects not just the soul, but the body and mind.
God’s Mission Here: S4Ep4. Mental Health & Our Youth | Julianna Shults
Steph is joined by guest Julianna Shults to give a “state of the union” on the mental health of our young people.
God’s Mission Here: S4Ep.3 Building Resilient Minds | Dr. Belinda Karge & Dr. Kara Bratton
Dr. Karge and Dr. Bratton join Steph to talk about building mental resiliency in ourselves and in our young people.