The Smalcald Articles in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Andy Wright and Rev. Andrew Preus
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Veiled in Flesh, the Godhead (Rebroadcast)
Rev. Adam Filipek studies 2 Corinthians 3:14 regarding the separation of God and man, and Christ as removal of the separation.
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Waging the Non-Fleshly War
Rev. Timothy Appel studies 2 Corinthians 5:16 about what happens when we regard Christ and others according to the flesh.
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: What is Love?
Rev. Adam Filipek studies 2 Corinthians 5:14b regarding that true love that is more than a feeling, but a sacrifice, perfectly given in Christ Jesus.
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Totally Beside Myself for the LORD
Rev. Dustin Beck studies 2 Corinthians 5:13 regarding what it means to be “beside ourselves” for the LORD and why it’s a good thing.
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Serving Jesus…to You!
Rev. Gaven Mize studies 2 Corinthians 4:5 regarding the clear preaching of Jesus Christ, the difference between preaching and proclamation, and what is accomplished by preaching Christ..
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Light. Glory. Image. Christ.
Rev. Jeremiah Johnson studies 2 Corinthians 4:4b regarding what the world doesn’t see, what the glory of Christ is, and what it means to be the image of God.