The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation at Concordia Seminary St. Louis

Sarah talks with Dr. Tom Egger, president Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and professor of Exegetical Theology.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Pilot Program to Encourage Church Work

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. John Zimmerman — pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Scranton, PA, and Marli Ockander — teacher at Sioux Falls Lutheran School in Sioux Falls, SD.

A Moment for the Family: School Security Concerns

Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary Duncan talk about security issues within our schools today.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Pilot Program in Urban and Rural Context

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Raquel Rojas — Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bronx, New York, and Rev. Jonathan Walla — Bethel Lutheran Church/Martin Luther School in Bismarck, North Dakota.

A Moment for the Family: Summer Camps

Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary Duncan discuss summer camps and emotional separation.

A Moment for the Family: Online Gaming

Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon discuss online gaming and the effect it has on family togetherness.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: From Educator to Pastor

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. James Cleland, Associate Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church & School in Houston, TX, and Student Recruitment Ambassador with Concordia Seminary in St Louis.

A Moment for the Family: Economy and Low Birthrate

Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon talk about the low birthrate. Is this caused by the economy? Also, our conversation turns to home and church nurseries.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation as Church Musician at CUNE

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, Professor of Music at Concordia University Nebraska.

A Moment for the Family: The Effects of Inflation on Families

Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary Duncan discuss inflation and the effects it could have on families.