Faith’n’Family – Deliver us from Evil

Deliver us from Evil Audio File Rev. Daniel Hinton, Trinity Lutheran Church & School, Cheyenne, WY helps us pray “deliver us from evil” by addressing questions children and parents have concerning evil and God’s mercy.   Send in your…

Faith’n’Family – Grieving Parents at the Loss of a Child

With guests Rev. Dr. Bryan Salmenin and Molly Strickland

Law and Gospel – 3rd Sunday after Easter, Repentance, Children who are not Baptized

(1) 3rd Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:37-38. (2) Is repentance our work? (3) Caller: Children who are not baptized?

Law and Gospel – Jesus Lutheran, Infants, Children

(1) Was Jesus a Lutheran? (2) Christians Acts 11:26; 26:28 and I Peter 4:16. (3) Caller: Age of accountability for infants. (4) Caller: Didn’t teach my children to lie or be jealous. (5) Caller: Psalm 51:5 and Isaiah 30:18.

Concord Matters – The Sixth Commandment

With guests Rev. Evan Goeglein and Rev. Brian Kachelmeier.

Faith’n’Family – Parenting, Children, Coveting, and Contentment

Parenting, Children, Coveting, and Contentment — Directors of Family Life Ministry, Bob & Robin Fossum discuss teaching children contentment.

The Bible Study – Ephesians 6:1-9 “Children and Parents”

Ephesians 6:1-9 “Children and Parents” with guest Rev. Tim Ostermeyer from Hope Lutheran Church in St. Ann, Missouri.

Faith’n’Family – National Lutheran Schools Week

National Lutheran Schools Week with guests Zachary Stegman and Students from Good Shepherd Lutheran School, and Mary Rakoski from CPH.