(1) Dr. Jack Fyans, Clinical Psychologist, discusses how to keep children from getting bored and parents from getting overwhelmed during the summer school break. (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Lester Stano looks at John 16:17-33 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education XVI
With guest Rev. Robert Paul.
Faith’n’Family – Teacher Appreciation
Today we discuss the vocation of teachers and share our appreciation for the many teachers who serve daily.
Concord Matters – Fourth Commandment in Large Catechism
Today we cover the Fourth Commandment, parents, mothers, fathers, kids, good works, new monasticism, bosses, pastors, government, youth work, and carthusians.
Concord Matters – Large Catechism Shorter Preface
Today we cover a wide variety of subjects such as the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Communion, Sacrament of the Altar, Lord’s Supper, Words of the Institution, and more.
Faith’n’Family – Holy Week with Kids
With guest Rev. Ben Ockree of Trinity Lutheran Church in Atchinson, KS.
Faith’n’Family – Back to School for Kids with Special Needs
With guests Karen Wittmayer, Janey Menner, and Lori Christiansen.
Faith’n’Family – Lutheran Schools Curriculum
With guest Dr. Rodney Rathmann and Brenda Trunkhill.
Faith’n’Family – How Music Bridges Generational Gaps in the Church & Family
With guests Janet Muth and Stephen Rosebrock.
Faith’n’Family – Archbooks Celebrating 50 years; Men and the safety of women and children
With guests Peggy Kuethe and Dr. Den Trumbull.