The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ in the Armed Forces (Rebroadcast)

How do Chaplains get to make the love of Christ known in their vocations as Chaplains in the Armed Forces? Chaplains Kurtis Bueltmann, David Edwards, and Craig Muehler join us on the show to share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ in the Armed Forces

How do Chaplains get to make the love of Christ known in their vocations as Chaplains in the Armed Forces? Chaplains Kurtis Bueltmann, David Edwards, and Craig Muehler join us on the show to share their stories!

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Called to Serve

When God calls us to Himself, He calls us to serve our nation, our society, our neighbor, that the Gospel may be proclaimed to our needy world.

His Time – Veterans Day: Chaplains Care for Men & Women in Uniform, Creation Club, “The Final Judgment”

(1) Chaplain Craig Muehler talks about the care of our men and women in uniform on this Veterans Day, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Dr. Douglas Spittel looks at Matthew 25:31-46 and gives today’s sermonette.

Faith’n’Family – Prison Ministry Conference

Today we discuss the need for faithful prison ministry and the upcoming Prison Ministry Coordinator Conference.

God Whisperers – Broadcast Blunders, St. Valentine, Olympics, Darwin Day, and more…

Donofrio’s broadcast career blunders, Saint Valentine (any and all three of them), armed chaplains, Olympic curling pants, Quizzing Craig, Darwin Day, science, faith and stuff.