Today, Andy and Sarah talk with the Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, pastor of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour – A Bible for Doodlers and Note-Takers
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Wayne Palmer, Senior Editor with Concordia Publishing House, and Jamie Truwe, illustrator for The Enduring Word Bible.
The Coffee Hour – Immersive Experience for Prospective Missionaries
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Mike Rodewald, Executive Director, and Rev. Rich Rudowsky, Director for International Program Ministries with Lutheran Bible Translators, Inc
The Coffee Hour – The Place Where It All Happened
Today, Sarah talks with Rev. Dr. John Denninger, president of the LCMS Southeastern District.
Law and Gospel — Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding whether there are contradictions in the Bible (spoiler, there aren’t) and how we can resolve what seems to be contradictions.
The Coffee Hour – New Bible Translation
Today, Andy talks with Rev. Dr. John Sias, Secretary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Hymn of the Day (Rebroadcast)
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 699, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.
Law and Gospel — Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding how we learn about the Trinity in the Bible.