Faith’n’Family – Baptism: When a Child Dies before the Gift of Baptism

First half hour with guest Rev. David Petersen (Pastor at Redeemer, Ft. Wayne, IN), and second half hour with guests Deaconess Kristin Wassilak (Deac. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL).

Concord Matters – First, Second, and Third Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer

Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Chris Hull (Christ Lutheran Church – Normal, IL) and Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller (Hope Lutheran Church – Aurora, CO.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Baptized vs. Non-Baptized

(1) Open Mike. (2) 7 callers about: Baptized vs non-Baptized; Who wouldn’t want to be baptized; Can one ever be separated from God; Isaiah 9:5; Accept or receive; About Keturah in Exodus 18:9-12; Separation from God.

Law and Gospel – Baptism

(1) Insight on baptizing after Pentecost and not receiving the Holy Spirit. (2) Acts 8. (3) Three different baptisms. (4) Caller: How to “ask in His name.” (5) Caller: Deal with cancer.

Law and Gospel – Pope and Saints, Baptism, Miracle at Fatima

(1) Insight on popes to become saints? (2) All baptized Christians are saints. (3) Caller: Miracle at Fatima. (4) Caller: Other religions have saints. (5) Caller: Colossians 2:12. (6) Caller: 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22.

Faith’n’Family – Adoption and Baptism: Dcs. Sandy Bowers and Family

With guests Dcs. Sandy Bowers and Rev. Will Weedon.

World Lutheran News Digest

Discussing Jesus with Muslims and Jews, official talks with the Vatican and the baptism of 25 Nepalese refugees are the topics of World Lutheran News Digest.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike Friday, Baptism, Rationalism, Evangelism and the Economy

(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) Email: Does confessions of sins come before or after sermon? (2) Email: Baptismal fonts in Germany. (3) Caller: Rationalism and Galatians 5:8-11. (4) Caller: Baptism. (5) Caller: The economy and evangelism.

Law and Gospel

(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Hymn studies. (3) Baptism hymn about heavens opening. (4) Hymn: “The Only Son from Heaven”.