The Coffee Hour – A Christian Guide to Mental Illness

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Stephen M. Saunders, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Psychology for Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Coffee Hour – Spare the Rod

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Kristin Wassilak, author of a chapter in “He Restores My Soul.”

The Coffee Hour – When God Is Hiding

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi D. Sias, author of a chapter in “He Restores My Soul.”

The Coffee Hour – Getting Past Your Past

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Cheryl Magness, managing editor for Reporter Online with LCMS Communications, and author of a chapter in “He Restores My Soul.”

The Coffee Hour – I Am Herod

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Katie Schuermann, author and editor of Emmanuel Press’s new book He Restores My Soul.

The Coffee Hour – He Leads Me Beside Still Waters

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Cheryl Swope, author of “Simply Classical, A Beautiful Education for Any Child, Mother and Home Educator.”

The Coffee Hour – Speaking Clearly about Jesus

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Trevor Sutton, pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church in Lansing, Michigan, and author of Clearly Christian.

The Coffee Hour – What Shall I Render to the Lord?

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Christina Roberts, Kantor at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 1: The Supremacy of God’s Son

Hebrews 1: The Supremacy of God’s Son with guest Rev. Robert Paul from Memorial Lutheran Church and School in Houston, Texas.

The Coffee Hour – Faith, Culture, and Lutheran Lenses

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Al Espinosa, pastor at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, California, and author of “Faith that Sees Through the Culture”.