The Coffee Hour — Serving in Panama: Parsonage Remodeling

Andy and Sarah talk with Ashley Lehr, Eddie Carlton, and Nancy Opheim.

The Coffee Hour — The English Reformation, Episode 9: The Puritans

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Coffee Hour — Organizing for Ministry: Options for Church Structure

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. David J. Peter, professor of practical theology and the dean of faculty at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: Men, Women, and Emotions — Part 2

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW, and Rev. Dr. Richard Marrs, Professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Pastoral Formation as a 4th-Year Seminarian

Andy and Sarah talk with Drew Oswald, 4th-year Master of Divinity student at Concordia Seminary in St Louis.

The Coffee Hour — Dinner Auction to Support Lutheran Education in St. Louis

Andy and Sarah talk with Libby Gutberlet and Laura Montgomery with LESA.

The Coffee Hour — Take Heart Scholarship from LCEF

Andy and Sarah talk with Rehema Kavugha, Director of Synod Relations with Lutheran Church Extension Fund.

The Coffee Hour — The English Reformation, Episode 8: The Spanish Armada

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Coffee Hour — Lutheran Music and Meaning

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Daniel Zager, retired from the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) in Rochester, New York.

The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: Men, Women, and Emotions

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW, and Rev. Dr. Richard Marrs, Professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.