Today, Sarah talks with Deaconess Sandra Rhein, Hymnal Consultant for the LCMS Office of International Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Proverbs 31 Woman
Today, Sarah talks with Elizabeth Ahlman, author of “Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman.”
The Coffee Hour – Running Toasted Raviolis
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with the Toasted Raviolis Ragnar Relay team of Stephanie Jones, Meg Ferber, and Mandy Knabach from Concorda Plan Services.
The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: Mercy Medical Teams
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Jenny Gray, RN, BSN, MMT Volunteer, and Stephanie Schulte, RN, BSN, West Africa Regional Coordinator for Mercy Medical Work for LCMS OIM.
The Coffee Hour – Serving Lutherans in the Caribbean
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jonathan Fisk, Host of Sharper Iron on KFUO Radio and Senior Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois.
The Coffee Hour – Tortured Silence
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, Managing Editor of The Lutheran Witness, and Anton Lutz, LCMS Missionary to Papua New Guinea.
The Coffee Hour – Call Day: Fort Wayne Edition
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Gary Zieroth, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions, Dean of Students, and Director of Vicarage and Internship with Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Coffee Hour – Call Day: St. Louis Edition
Today, Andy talks with Dr. Glenn Nielsen, Director of Placement for Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.