Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Divine Comedy of Mercy

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 33:1-20 regarding Esau’s civil righteousness and pity of Jacob, Jacob’s gifts to Esau as an offering to the Lord, and Jacob’s faith and boldness in God and His promises.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Andrew Preus Is In: Pushing LGBT Agenda on Christians

Rev. Andrew Preus of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, Iowa, answers your questions.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Dissing Comfort

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 21:12-21 regarding when confessing God’s promises looks evil to human eyes, learning humility before receing God’s grace, Ishmael’s prayer of deliverance, and the passivity of faith.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Family and Faiths

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 12:1-9 regarding the faith of Abraham, how the world is blessed through Abraham’s seed, how God fulfills his promises to bless and curse, and the difference between the people of God and the people of the world.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Andrew Preus Is In: Rural Ministry

Rev. Andrew Preus of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, Iowa, answers your questions.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Andrew Preus Is In: Witnessing God’s Love

Rev. Andrew Preus of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, Iowa, answers your questions.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Andrew Preus Is In: Bigotry

Rev. Andrew Preus of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, Iowa, answers your questions.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Before the Flood Before the Fall

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 2:5-17 regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Spirit hovering over the waters, making man out of the dust, the pre-flood landscape, and what’s going on with the lack of rain.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Andrew Preus Is In: Gender Neutral Parenting

Rev. Andrew Preus of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, Iowa, answers your questions.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Objectified Juju?

Rev. Andrew Preus studies 2 Corinthians 5:19-20a regarding the work and Word of reconciliation, who the ambassadors of Christ are, and how God reconciles the world to Himself.