(1) Carol Tobias talks about the National Right to Life organization, and (2) Rev. Chad Hoover looks at John 17:1-26 “Jesus Prays to Be Glorified”.
His Time – VITAE, Abortion/Breast Cancer, Sabbath-Rest
(1) Carl Landwehr talks about VITAE, (2) Karen Malec talks about the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, and (3) Rev. Mark Nukols looks at Hebrews 4:1-16 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – American College of Pediatricians and Preview of April 2014 Lutheran Witness
With guests Dr. Michelle Cretella, Rev. Mark Jasa and Dr. Andrea Pitkus.
Studio A – Origin of Life, McCullen v. Coakley, Abortion Clinics, Hitler a Darwinist?
(1) “Does intelligent design provide a plausible account of life’s origins?” with Dr. Stephen Meyer, (2) “Why Evangelicals are reconsidering their embrace of oral contraception” with Chelsen Vicari, (3) “The Constitutionality of buffer zones around abortion clinics in McCullen v. Coakley” with Steven Aden, and (4) “Was Hitler a Darwinist?” with Dr. Richard Weikart.