Thy Strong Word

Thy Strong Word reveals the light of our salvation in Christ through study of God’s Word, breaking our darkness with His redeeming light. Each weekday, two pastors fix our eyes on Jesus by considering Holy Scripture, verse by verse, in order to be strengthened in the Word and be equipped to faithfully serve in our daily vocations.

Thy Strong Word is hosted by Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN.

Thy Strong Word is graciously underwritten by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation. Through the mission gifts of people like you, LHF translates, publishes, distributes and introduces books that are Bible-based, Christ-centered and Reformation-driven. Learn more at

Show Time: Monday-Friday at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Central Time
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Exodus 31
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 31: Rest on the Sabbath or Face the Consequences

The Rev. Nathanial Brown, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Correll, MN; Trinity Lutheran Church in Bellingham, MN; and Trinity Lutheran Church in Odessa, MN, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 31.

Exodus 30
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 30: God’s Design: Incense Altar & Bronze Basin

The Rev. Brandt Hoffman, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church and School in Coos Bay, OR, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 30.

Exodus 29
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 29: Consecration of the Priests

The Rev. John Shank, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, IL, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 29.

Exodus 28
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 28: The Priests’ Vestments: For Glory and Beauty

The Rev. David Duke, pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Newfane, NY and adjunct professor of Old Testament at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catherines, ON, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 28.

Exodus 27
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 27: God’s Design: Tabernacle (Part 2)

The Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in Pine Lawn, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 27.

Exodus 26
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 26: God’s Design: Tabernacle (Part 1)

The Rev. Ben Dose, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Arcadia, IA, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 26.

Exodus 25
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 25: God’s Design: Ark of the Covenant

The Rev. Dr. Curtis Deterding, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, FL, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 25.

Exodus 24
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 24: The Signing of the Mosaic Covenant

The Rev. John Lukomski, co-host of Wrestling with the Basics on KFUO Radio, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 24

Exodus 23:10-33
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 23:10-33: Three Festivals and a Promise of Protection

The Rev. Dr. Thomas Park, LCMS Theological Educator in Taiwan, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 23:10-33.

Exodus 22:16-23:9
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 22:16-23:9: Laws Promoting Social Justice 

The Rev. Jacob Benson, pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lovell, WY, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 22:16-23:9.