Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy talks about financial matters and why they’re important as a pastoral leader.
The Coffee Hour
As you grab your morning coffee (and pastry, let’s be honest), join hosts Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth as they bring you stories of the intersection of Lutheran life and a secular world. Catch real-life stories of mercy work of the LCMS and partners, updates from missionaries across the ocean, and practical talk about how to live boldly Lutheran.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at
Show Time: Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m. Central Time
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts // Spotify // YouTube // RSS Feed
The Coffee Hour — LCMS Mission Advancement: Blessed to Be a Blessing
Mike Fischer and Mark Hofman talk about LCMS Mission Advancement.
The Coffee Hour — Higher Things: Retreat in a Box and 2024 Who Am I Conferences
Crysten Sanchez talks about Higher Things Retreat in a Box and the 2024 “Who Am I” Conferences on identity and vocation.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Forming Church Workers in Truth, Integrity, and Excellence
Dr. Russell Dawn talks about how Concordia University Chicago forms young people for service in the church.
The Coffee Hour — Free Health Equipment Lending Program
Karen Lanter talks about St. Louis HELP and the upcoming equipment drive on October 21.
The Coffee Hour — Assisting with Flood Response in Brazil
Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson talks about how flooding in Brazil affected homes and communities of our Lutheran brothers and sisters.
The Coffee Hour — KFUO Radio Intern Aubrey Blank!
Aubrey Blank talks about what it’s like being our KFUO Radio intern!
The Coffee Hour — Helping Church Workers Pay Down Debt
Rev. Ken Krueger talks about how MinistryFOCUS helps church workers pay down debt so they can focus on ministry.
The Coffee Hour — Serving as a Short-Term Mission Team Leader
Kay Berry, Julia Petrovic, Erin Mackenzie, and Anne Gonzalez talk about serving as a team leader on short-term mission trips.