Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Luke Vandercar, Men’s Gathering organizer.
The Coffee Hour
As you grab your morning coffee (and pastry, let’s be honest), join hosts Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth as they bring you stories of the intersection of Lutheran life and a secular world. Catch real-life stories of mercy work of the LCMS and partners, updates from missionaries across the ocean, and practical talk about how to live boldly Lutheran.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at
Show Time: Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m. Central Time
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The Coffee Hour – Tell the Next Generation: Family Ministry Conference
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan, President of the Missouri District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
The Coffee Hour – Ash Wednesday History and Customs
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Kent Burreson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Dean of the Chapel at Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
The Coffee Hour – Understanding Culture to Share the Love of Christ
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Sarah Harms, serving on behalf of the LCMS in eastern Europe.
The Coffee Hour – Register to Vote
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. John Sias, Secretary of the LCMS.
The Coffee Hour – Delicious AND Heart Healthy Food
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Sara Correnti, MS RD LD, Health and Wellness Educator with Concordia Plan Services.
The Coffee Hour – Recognizing Our Armed Forces
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Craig Muehler, Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces.
The Coffee Hour – Who Is My Neighbor?
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Bob Zagore, Executive Director of the LCMS Office of National Mission.