Sharper Iron

Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.

Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.

Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Together in faith, LCEF helps to start, sustain and strengthen LCMS ministries through financial and strategic partnerships. Visit

Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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Mark 9
Sharper Iron: Lord I Believe; Help My Unbelief.

Rev. Timothy Appel looks at Mark 9:14-32 with guest host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller.

Mark 7
Sharper Iron: Insensitive Jesus Healing the Daughter of Nazis

Rev. Andrew Preus looks at Mark 7:24-37.

Mark 7
Sharper Iron: Opinions of Men

Rev. Greg Truwe looks at Mark 7:1-23.

Mark 6
Sharper Iron: Green Pastures and Still Waters for Fallen Fools

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller looks at Mark 6:35-56.

Mark 6
Sharper Iron: House of Herod is a Hot Mess

Rev. Peter Ill looks at Mark 6:14-34.

Mark 5
Sharper Iron: Only God Can Die Like That

Rev. Adam Filipek looks at Mark 5:1-20.

Mark 4
Sharper Iron: The Unstoppable Person of Jesus

Rev. Sean Kilgo looks at Mark 4:21-41.

Mark 4
Sharper Iron: Four Ways to Hear God’s Word

Rev. Zelwyn Heide looks at Mark 4:1-20.

Mark 3
Sharper Iron: Jesus is Out of His Mind

Rev. Timothy Appel looks at Mark 3:20-35.