Sharper Iron

Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.

Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.

Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Together in faith, LCEF helps to start, sustain and strengthen LCMS ministries through financial and strategic partnerships. Visit

Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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2 Cor 3:14
Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Veiled in Flesh, the Godhead (Rebroadcast)

Rev. Adam Filipek studies 2 Corinthians 3:14 regarding the separation of God and man, and Christ as removal of the separation.

Gen 28:10-22
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Gateway to God

Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt studies Genesis 28:10-22 regarding the not-so-pretty life and times of the patriarchs and how still the Lord blesses them and uses them as a blessing to others.

Gen 27:41-28:9
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Snitches Get Stitches

Rev. Shawn Linnell studies Genesis 27:41-28:9 regarding false repentance, how the 4th and 5th Commandments are related, what it means to tempt God, 8th Commandment charity, how God provides through His promises, a blessing versus a wish, and the importance of virtuous marriage.

Gen 27:22-40
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Promise Remains

Rev. Greg Truwe studies Genesis 27:22-40 regarding how blessings given and sworn cannot be revoked, whether Jacob and Esau know the promise, the different parts of the blessing, how curses are part of the blessing, and Esau’s hatred of Jacob.

Gen 26:34-27:25
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: God Meant It for Good

Rev. Zelwyn Heide studies Genesis 26:34-27:25 regarding the two kinds of Hittites, mixed marriages, the different ways everyone sins in this section of Genesis, God’s providence, and how God’s Will cannot be thwarted.

Gen 26:16-33
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Trial of Isaac

Rev. Stephen Preus studies Genesis 26:16-33 regarding the relationship between the Philistines and Isaac, how Isaac honors his father and shows faith in the promise, the significance of the Lord speaking to Isaac, and the peace that comes through the Lord’s blessings and Isaac’s patience.

Gen 26:1-16
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Fear and Promises

Rev. Dr. Lucas Woodford studies Genesis 26:1-16 regarding the contrast of Isaac to Abraham and Jacob, how famine and lack of water affects both physical and spiritual life, how Isaac repeats the same deception of his father, and how the lineage of Jesus is made of sinners in need of grace and mercy.

Gen 25:25-34
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Selling the Farm for your Passions

Rev. David Appold studies Genesis 25:25-34 regarding God’s gracious election as seen in Jacob’s story, the significance of the birth order and names of the brothers, the significance of Jacob getting Esau to give up his birthright, and what Jacob’s inheritance has to do with Christ and the Christian Church.

Gen 25:19-26
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Birth of Red and Heal-Grabber

Rev. Ill studies Genesis 25:19-26 regarding the barrenness in the family line leading to prayer, how prayer reminds us of God’s promises and faithfulness, when we all question the “why” of what God does, the two nations coming from Rebekah, and how God raises up the lowly.

Gen 25:1-18
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Inheritors of Everything

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson studies Genesis 25:1-18 regarding Abraham’s marriage to Keturah, the inheritance of Isaac, the difference between concubines and wives, the death of Abraham, the blessing of Isaac, and the generations of Ishmael.