Sharper Iron

Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.

Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.

Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where your investments help support the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit

Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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Gen 26:1-16
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Fear and Promises

Rev. Dr. Lucas Woodford studies Genesis 26:1-16 regarding the contrast of Isaac to Abraham and Jacob, how famine and lack of water affects both physical and spiritual life, how Isaac repeats the same deception of his father, and how the lineage of Jesus is made of sinners in need of grace and mercy.

Gen 25:25-34
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Selling the Farm for your Passions

Rev. David Appold studies Genesis 25:25-34 regarding God’s gracious election as seen in Jacob’s story, the significance of the birth order and names of the brothers, the significance of Jacob getting Esau to give up his birthright, and what Jacob’s inheritance has to do with Christ and the Christian Church.

Gen 25:19-26
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Birth of Red and Heal-Grabber

Rev. Ill studies Genesis 25:19-26 regarding the barrenness in the family line leading to prayer, how prayer reminds us of God’s promises and faithfulness, when we all question the “why” of what God does, the two nations coming from Rebekah, and how God raises up the lowly.

Gen 25:1-18
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Inheritors of Everything

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson studies Genesis 25:1-18 regarding Abraham’s marriage to Keturah, the inheritance of Isaac, the difference between concubines and wives, the death of Abraham, the blessing of Isaac, and the generations of Ishmael.

Gen 24:50-67
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Husband of His Bride

Rev. Dr. John Bombaro studies Genesis 24:50-67 regarding the great story of all scripture (and how it’s all about Jesus), the meaning of names, the work of the Holy Spirit, the lineage of Jesus, and historical settings of the Bible.

Gen 24:15-51
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Urgency of Marriage

Rev. Adam Koontz studies Genesis 24:15-51 regarding how a man chooses a wife, why this story seems unattainably quaint, the urgency of God’s promises, forming families that last, and how this is this only successfully monogamous marriage among the patriarchs.

Gen 24:1-15
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Under Abraham’s Thigh

Rev. Luke Zimmerman studies Genesis 24:1-15 regarding Abraham’s desire for Isaac to be married, the importance of the servant’s role in this process, the solemn agreement between the servant and Abraham, and the role of marriage and family in the covenant between God and Abraham.

Gen 23:1-20
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: History of the Grave

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller studies Genesis 23:1-20 regarding the only land Abraham will ever own, the tomb that both Sarah and Abraham were buried in that’s still in Hebron today, marriage and death as two of the perpetual factors of human existence, and the love Isaac and Rebekah have for each other.

Gen 22:14-24
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Silly Songs with Gaven

Rev. Gaven Mize studies Genesis 22:14-24 regarding the promise of children in these verses, how this text is christological, and the picture of what is to come as framed by these verses.

Gen 22:1-14
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: God will See

Rev. Timothy Appel studies Genesis 22:1-14 regarding how God tests His people in order to strengthen their faith, a Passover ahead of time for Abraham and Isaac, the resurrection of the dead, and foreshadowing of Jesus.