Sharper Iron

Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.

Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.

Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Together in faith, LCEF helps to start, sustain and strengthen LCMS ministries through financial and strategic partnerships. Visit

Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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Exodus 27:1-8
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: The Beautiful Altar of Sacrifice

Rev. Adam Koontz, Assistant Professir of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 27:1-8 and Exodus 38:1-7.

Exodus 26:15-37
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: God Dwells with His People

Rev. Dr. Adam Filipek, pastor of Holy Cross & Immanuel Lutheran Churches in Lidgerwood, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 26:15-37 and Exodus 36:20-38

Exodus 26:1-14
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: God’s Coverings for Himself

Rev. Neil Wehmas, pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ida Grove, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 26:1-14 and Exodus 36:8-19.

Exodus 25:31-40
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: The Essential Lampstand Shines in the Darkness

Rev. Steve Hokana, Assistant Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 25:31-40, Exodus 27:20-21, and Exodus 37:17-24

Exodus 25:23-30
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: The Table of God’s Presence

Rev. Tim Koch, pastor at Emanuel Lutheran Church in Milbank, SD, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 25:23-30 and Exodus 37:10-16.

Exodus 25:10-22
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: The Box of God’s Mercy

Rev. Brian Flamme, pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Roswell, NM, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 25:10-22 and Exodus 37:1-9.

Exodus 25-1-9
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Offerings of Joy

Rev. Chris Hull, pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Tomball, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 25:1-9 and Exodus 35:4-29.

Exodus 24:1-18
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Access to God by the Blood of the Covenant

Rev. David Appold, pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Paducah, KY, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 24:1-18.

Exodus 23:20-33
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Christ Leads His People to the Promised Land

Rev. Andrew Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg, IA and St. Paul Lutheran Church in McGregor, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 23:20-33.

Exodus 23:10-19
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Rest for the Weary

Rev. Paul Pater, pastor at Shepherd of the Ridge Lutheran Church in North Ridgeville, OH and Hope Lutheran Church in Sheffield Village, OH, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 23:10-19.