Rev. Dustin Beck, pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 10:1-12.
Sharper Iron
Sharper Iron looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen.
Sharper Iron is hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel.
Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Together in faith, LCEF helps to start, sustain and strengthen LCMS ministries through financial and strategic partnerships. Visit
Show Time: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. Central Time
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Sharper Iron — Back to the Forge: On Earth Is Not His Equal
Rev. Timothy Appel goes “Back to the Forge” to answer some listener email concerning the work of the devil against Jesus.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: The Servant is the Greatest
Rev. AJ Espinosa, assistant pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, CA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 9:30-37.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Jesus is the Faithful One
Rev. Matt Ulmer, pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Bishop, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 9:14-29.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: A Transfigured Preview of Glory to Come
Rev. Phil Hoppe, pastor at Peace Lutheran Church in Finlayson, MN and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bruno, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 9:2-13.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: The Christ Must Suffer, Die, and Rise
Rev. Dan Speckhard, pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church and School in North Judson, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 8:27-9:1.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Eyes Opened to See Jesus
Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz, associate pastor and headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church and School in Brenham, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 8:22-26.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Didn’t You Read Mark 7?!
Rev. Gaven Mize, pastor at Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hickory, NC, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 8:11-21.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: God’s Feast for the Gentiles
Rev. Stephen Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Vinton, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 8:1-10.