
Hear excerpts from our Sharathon time, when we encourage our listeners to support our mission to share Christ around the world, anytime, anywhere!

The Coffee Hour – Friday Sharathon Edition

Rev. Charles Henrickson and Rev. Marcus Zill join Sarah Gulseth

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Friday Sharathon Edition

Rev. Warren Woerth and Rev. Matt Clark join Andy Bates

Thy Strong Word – Thursday Sharathon Edition

Rev. Michael Meyer, Peter Slayton, Julianna Shults, and Ian Burger join Andy Bates

The Coffee Hour – Thursday Sharathon Edition

Rev. Michael Meyer and Kelly Schumacher join Sarah Gulseth

Sharper Iron: Thursday Sharathon Edition

Rev. Jonathan Fisk and Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden join Andy Bates

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