Gary Duncan and Rev Warren Woerth talk about the collapse of Darwin’s Arch and how that relates to the young earth beliefs held by Christians.
A Moment in Creation
Rev. Warren Woerth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, Missouri, joins host Gary Duncan to discuss Biblical Creation, its relationship to historical and current events, and how to defend Biblical Creation in a secular world.
Show Time: Tuesday at 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central Time
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A Moment in Creation: Thinking Scientifically about the Galaxy and Planets
Rev. Warren Woerth discuses with Gary Duncan about scientists needing to rethink how the galaxy and planets were formed. They also consider how should Christians view the latest discovery from the James Webb telescope.
A Moment in Creation: Conservation Reading
Rev. Warren Woerth and Gary Duncan discuss the latest edition of the Missouri Conservationist magazine about Missouri caves. Even though this is interesting reading we must be aware of how these secular magazines always include the theory of evolution.
A Moment in Creation: Genesis and the Gospel
Rev. Warren Woerth talks with Gary Duncan about Genesis and the Gospel.
A Moment in Creation: Understanding Cults
This week on the program Gary Duncan and Rev. Warren Woerth discuss a resource from the LCMS that could help you clarify any confusion regarding cults and their beliefs.
A Moment in Creation: Lasers and Aliens
Gary Duncan and Rev. Warren Woerth talk about NASA and the hunt for alien life with a new laser technology.
A Moment in Creation: Artificial Intelligence
Rev. Warren Woerth and Gary Duncan discuss Artificial Intelligence technology. A recent news article states that AI can create a low form of life.
A Moment in Creation: Can We Stop Aging?
Can Scientist stop the aging process? Rev. Warren Woerth shares with Gary Duncan discuss a recent article about an anti-aging study and what the Bible tells us about our fall into sin.
A Moment in Creation: Creation vs. Evolution
On today’s program Rev. Warren Woerth and Gary Duncan talk about the official position of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod regarding the creation vs evolution debate.
A Moment in Creation: Are We Martians?
Rev. Warren Woerth talks with Gary on the program today as he asks and answers the question if we are Martians.