Lutheran Witness

The Lutheran Witness provides readings of all the articles posted on LW website, The Lutheran Witness is an official periodical of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (Visit to learn more). Subscribe to the print edition of LW at For additional stories and articles that help you interpret the world from a Lutheran perspective, visit the LW website. 

 Click here to find all monthly Searching the Scriptures bible studies.

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The Lutheran Witness Podcast: ‘Co-Parenting’: Strangers Having and Raising Kids Together

A woman and a man who are strangers to each other agree to have a child together.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Prospects for a Coronavirus Awakening?

With one of the lowest rates of church attendance in Europe, Great Britain is highly secularized. But during the COVID-19 shutdown, one in four Brits tuned into an online service. 

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Mulch while the Sun Shines

Nurtured by the Word of God and nourished by His body and blood, we find that the weeds of sin run a little less rampant in our lives.

The Coffee Hour – Our Whole Future Wholly in His Hands

Andy talks with Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: The Internet of Things

As we find our appliances and homes ever more connected to the world and becoming the “Internet of Things,” the Christian finds connection not through technology, but in our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Hermann Sasse: Courage for Confession

Hermann Sasse recognized that the church of Jesus Christ lives neither in pessimism or optimism but in hope that gives us courage to confess that our crucified and risen Lord, who remains with His church to the end.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Treasury of Daily Prayer: A COVID Lifeline

Our Treasury of Daily Prayer was like a COVID-19 lifeline to the Word of God.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Waking up in America

Souls have always needed more than dreams for food.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: The Existing Legal Protections of Religious Liberty

Religion in America also has some very powerful legal protections. 

The Coffee Hour – Faith and 5G

Andy talks with Pastor Trevor Sutton on the intersection of faith and technology.