Some great music for reflection has been written more recently, and we’ll have some fine examples this week.
Described as an hour featuring the “JOY expressed in some great music,” Ron Klemm weaves sacred classics from history’s finest composers, together with sparkling arrangements of hymns and church anthems, into a colorful fabric of musical delight. Brief, heartfelt commentary focuses the listener’s attention on the text: some in familiar settings, others not as well known. Ron’s experience with and love for classical and church music makes for an inspiring hour of priceless musical gems. Contact Ron Klemm at and listen to Bach Talk from the Bach Society of Saint Louis at
JOY programs air during special seasons of the church year, including Advent and Lent.
Advent & Christmas 2024 Schedule
All programs air at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. CT
Advent 1 —
Sunday, December 1
Wednesday, December 4
Advent 2 & KFUO’s 100th Anniversary —
Sunday, December 8
Wednesday, December 11
Saturday, December 14
Advent 3 —
Sunday, December 15
Wednesday, December 18
Advent 4 —
Sunday, December 22
Christmas —
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
JOY — Inner Strength
God’s grace is truly amazing! We’ll share some music born of inner joy and strength.
JOY — King of Love
From Bach’s St. John Passion to John Rutter’s Requiem, we present music that helps us focus on the ultimate gift: salvation from the King of Love.
JOY — Messiah, Lamb of God
The season of Lent is upon us: a time of penitence and prayer, of meditation and remembrance.
JOY — Epiphany
Hear marvelous music about the Magi, plus a rare old recording featuring members of the military singing about Epiphany.
JOY — New Year
Hear music appropriate for turning the calendar, including settings of Psalm 90, some rarely-heard New Year carols, and Christmas carols for the Christmas season.
JOY — Joy to the World!
Hear an hour of the finest carols, the most meaningful, most enduring Christmas music you’ll never hear at the mall!
JOY — The Song of Mary
Hear a major portion of John Rutter’s “Magnificat,” one of the most exuberant settings of that song from the gospel of Luke.
JOY — Messiah
Hear a major portion of “Messiah,” and also Advent carols sung by the National Lutheran Choir, the Bach Society of Saint Louis, and others.
JOY — O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Hear several versions of the great Advent carol, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” balanced with a litany of Advent carols and anthems that point us in the direction of Christmas.