With guests Peter Slayton and Erik Lunsford.
Faith & Family
Keep your family’s Lutheran faith first as you praise God for the gift He has given you in your children, parents, grandparents, and even the in-laws! Every day, Faith & Family will have an expert on the show to discuss life issues such as money management, dealing with divorce, adoption, how to raise children to lead a God-centered life in a very non-Christian world, and more. Faith & Family is graciously underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin.

Faith’n’Family – Deaconess Mercy Expedition to Peru
With guests Deaconess Grace Rao, Deaconess Dr. Gillian Bond, and CSL Deacones studetns Rachell Highley, Bridgette Sharp, and Michele Musegades.

Faith & Family – Live at Meramec Bluffs!
With Annmarie Wallis and June Schroeder, Martha Kay Larson, Liz Prange, Marion Lewis, Betty Biebel, Larry Kamberg, Doug Maddox, and Executive Che

Faith & Family – Christian Friends of New Americans
With Joanie Harwell and Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley

Faith’n’Family – Christian Friends of New Americans; National Volutneer Month; Sharathon!
With guests Joanie Harwell, Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, Maureen Lenz, Mary Schmidt, and Rev. Mark Hawkinson.