Faith & Family

Keep your family’s Lutheran faith first as you praise God for the gift He has given you in your children, parents, grandparents, and even the in-laws! Every day, Faith & Family will have an expert on the show to discuss life issues such as money management, dealing with divorce, adoption, how to raise children to lead a God-centered life in a very non-Christian world, and more. Faith & Family is graciously underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin.

Kristin Boos carries Taniya Wimberly at the end of vacation Bible camp at East Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, in Detroit. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford
Faith’n’Family – Serving as a DCE

With guests Cheri Selander, DCE, Scotte Hanson, DCE, and Andrew Nelson, DCE

Why I Chose Life
Faith’n’Family – Why I Chose Life

With guests Ellen McGladdery and Deaconess Ellie Corrow

Latin Education
Faith’n’Family – Importance of Latin in a Child’s Education

With guests Rev. Charles Henrickson, Cheryl Swope, and Rev. Joshua Hayes