Bullying with guests Byron Devrouax, Jenna Nelson, Dan Harms, and Gary Brucker.
Faith & Family
Keep your family’s Lutheran faith first as you praise God for the gift He has given you in your children, parents, grandparents, and even the in-laws! Every day, Faith & Family will have an expert on the show to discuss life issues such as money management, dealing with divorce, adoption, how to raise children to lead a God-centered life in a very non-Christian world, and more. Faith & Family is graciously underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin.
PALS – Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support with guests Rev. Robert and Sheila Foote, Dr. David and Kathy Ludwig, Carrie O’Donnell.
Boyfriends/Girfriends with guest Dr. Leslie Jack Fyans.
Scouting with guests Rev. Dr. W. Mart Thompson and Rev. Dr. Al Collver.
Buying a House with guests Jim Dohr and Cathy Vogt.
Praying for College with guest Dave Wegenke from Thirvent Financial for Lutherans.
Estate planning and Preparing for Long-term Care with guests Dave Fiedler, Allen Helms, and Kirk Mattes
Kids, Money, and Stewardship with guest Thomas M Kopatz, a Financial Consultant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Parents in Demanding Careers — Guest Rev. Frank Ruffato talks about his career with
Parents in Demanding Careers — Billy and Aimee Ballans from Tampa, Florida talk about how their professions of being an Accountant and a Mentor Teacher have affected their family life.