Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike. (2) L&G analysis of hymn, “Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings.” (3) Caller: What do I say to my brother who is an agnostic?
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Did pope change position on homosexuality? (3) How the mainstream press exaggerated facts.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Insight on why gay marriage was inevitable. (2) Article by Aaron Wolf. (3) Caller: People are being kicked by the devil.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) 11th Sunday after Pentecost: Ecclesiastes 1:2. (2) All is vanity. (3) “hebel” is vapour, breath, absurdity, frustration, futility, nonsense.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Hymn: “Our Father Who From Heav’n Above.” (2) Caller: Non-Lutheran asking about our stance on infant baptism in light of the fact that some fall away from the faith.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) The pope is offering indulgences to get out of Purgatory. (3) Baptism is the answer to purgatory. (4) Caller: Two things about the LCMS convention?
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Continuation of the Two Kingdoms chart from Tuesday.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Outline of the Two Kingdoms in a Law and Gospel chart.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Hymn: “One Things Needful.” (2) Callers: What happened to Exodus International?; What is Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Difference between theism and Christianity. (3) What Christians are facing today.