Rev. Tom Baker
Rev. Tom Baker

Host of Law & Gospel

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Rev. Tom Baker is Director of Development for Concordia Mission Society which supports of missionaries, overseas medical vans and GOOD NEWS magazine.

Law and Gospel – 6th Sunday after Epiphany, Age of Garden of Eden

(1) 6th Sunday after Epiphany: Deuteronomy 30:19c. (2) Choose life? Decision theology? (3) Caller: Age of Garden of Eden. (4) Caller: Jesus died and led a sinless life.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, God’s Truth, Pearls before Swine

(1) Open Mike. (2) Caller: 1 Corinthians 2:2 and Isaiah 64 about God’s truth. (3) Caller: 2 Corinthians 3:14 and pearls before swine. (4) Caller: Genesis 8. (5) Caller: Higher critical method.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Evolution v. Creations, Pantheistic Religion, “Expelled” Movie

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Discuss evolution/creation debate between Nye and Ham. (3) Caller: Nye takes refuge in his pantheistic religion. (4) Movie by Ben Stein, “Expelled.”

Law and Gospel – Vacation/Occupation/Vocation, Hats, Ephesians & 1 Peter

(1) Insight on difference between vacation, occupation and vocation. (2) Different hats we wear. (3) Ephesians 4:4 and I Peter 2:21.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Hymn Analysis, Prof. Martin Franzmann

(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Hymn: “Thy Strong Word Did Cleave The Darkness.” (3) Professor Martin Franzmann.

Law and Gospel – 5th Sunday after Epiphany

(1) 5th Sunday after Epiphany: 1 Corinthians 2:2. (2) Preach Christ and Him crucified. (3) Examples of how that works.

Law and Gospel

(1) Open Mike. (2) Caller: Angels in 1 Corinthians 11:10. (3) Interpretation of Unjust Judge in Luke 18:1-8. (4) Caller: More balanced view on women and trials from John Davis book.

Law and Gospel

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Marriage prenuptials. (3) Orthodox women and divorce needing a get. (4) Caller: James 5:16.

Law and Gospel

(1) Insights on the word “blessed.” (2) Caller: Is there sadness in heaven? (3) Caller: A poem from the Kiwanis. (4) Caller: 1 Peter 3:8-9 and Luke 11:28. (5) Caller: Zechariah 8.

Law and Gospel

(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Hymn: “Son of God, Eternal Savior.” (3) Caller: What is imputed righteousness?