(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Free T-shirt to be caller. (3) The Two covenants. (4) Caller: The 2 mountains of Sarah and Hagar. (5) Caller: Faith comes from the Holy Spirit.
Law and Gospel – Differences between Old/New Testaments
(1) Insight on the difference between the Old
Testament and the New Testament. (2) We are not talking about the books of the Bible. (3) Free gift of paper on the two covenants.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations/Hymn Study
(1) Ruminations on the hymn: “The Day Is Surely Drawing Near.”
Law and Gospel – End of Times, Parable of Talents
(1) 3rd Sunday of End Time: Matthew 25:21. (2) Parable of the Talents. (3) How important is it to use your talents properly?
Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Church and State, Infant Baptism
(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) Separation of Church and State. (3) Caller: Resolution to infant baptism?
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Maynard Suicide
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Suicide of Brittany Maynard. (3) Roman Catholics speak of it as reprehensible. (4) Caller: Pain can be controlled. (5) Caller: 1 Corinthians 5.
Law and Gospel – Putting off the Old Self
(1) Insight on putting off the old self. (2) Caller: Text without context is pretext; Isaiah 61:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Law and Gospel -End of Times, Peace Offerings
(1) 2nd Sunday of End Times reading: Amos 5:22. (2) God will not accept peace offerings? (3) Caller: Hebrews 11:4. (4) Caller: Malachi. (5) Caller: Ephesian 4:30.
Law and Gospel – Open Mike, All Saints Day
(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) All Saints Day (3) Caller: Russian Orthodox church. (4) Caller: Christians who have mental illness. (5) Caller: Stick with faith that endures.