Rev. Tom Baker
Rev. Tom Baker

Host of Law & Gospel

3028 Articles0 Comments

Rev. Tom Baker is Director of Development for Concordia Mission Society which supports of missionaries, overseas medical vans and GOOD NEWS magazine.

Law and Gospel – 90th Anniversary, 4th Sunday in Advent, Speculation vs. Observation

(1) 90th anniversary day! (2) 4th Sunday in Advent: 2 Samuel 7:3. (3) The beginning of the 90th birthday of KFUO. (4) When a true prophet of God did not tell the truth. (5) Speculation vs. Observation.

Law and Gospel – Evolution Movie, Race Problems, Discovery Channel

(1) Pastor Woerth on evolution movie “Exodus, Gods and Kings.” (2) Article about race problem with the movie. (3) Caller: Is everything we do have some basis in Law and Gospel. (4) Caller: Discovery channel also in error. (5) Caller: Difference between imputed righteousness and imparted righteousness.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Peace on Earth, Two Kingdoms, Fallen Mankind

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Why has peace on earth not yet been realized? (3) Distinction between the two kingdoms. (4) Caller: Earth refers to fallen mankind. (5) Caller: Isaiah 28 that God has made peace.

Law and Gospel – KFUO 90th Birthday, Two Covenants, Purify the Conscience

(1) 90th KFUO birthday. (2) Difference between Old and New Testaments not ever refer to the books of the Bible. (3) Two covenants well explained in Hebrews. (4) Meaning of purify the conscience. (5) Other verses of the two covenants.

Law and Gospel – KFUO Celebration, Hymn Study

(1) KFUO: Forward, Upward, Onward. (2) Hymn: “Hark A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding.”

Law and Gospel – 3rd Sunday in Advent, Gifts of Salvation, Robe of Righteousness, Rite of Baptism

(1) 3rd Sunday in Advent: Isaiah 61:10. (2) Gifts of salvation are two: forgiveness and Holy Spirit. (3) Dressed in the robe of righteousness. (4) Laity rite for baptism.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Feeding the 5,000, Enthusiasts

(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) Caller: Feeding of the 5,000. (3) Caller: Karl Barth and Schwarmerei (Enthusiasts). (4) Caller: Heart is confident 1 John 3:19f. (5) Caller: Jesus remains my joy and how to talk with toddlers about Jesus.

Law and Gospel – Jesus is the Lamb, Metaphors, Literal Passages

(1) Study of what John the Baptizer meant when looking at Jesus and referring to Him as a Lamb. (2) Importance of metaphors. (3) How to distinguish a metaphor from a literal passage.

Law and Gospel – Bach Advent Cantata

(1) Dr. Mark Laverty discussing a Bach Advent cantata.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Hymn Study

(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Hymn: “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry.”