Rev. Timothy Appel
Rev. Timothy Appel

Host of Sharper Iron

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Although a mathematics degree may not be incredibly helpful to (proudly born-and-raised Texan) Rev. Timothy Appel while hosting Sharper Iron, his love of CFW Walther and the season of Easter will come in handy. His Call is shepherding the flock at Faith Lutheran Church in Godfrey, Illinois, and he’s also husband to wife Kristin and dad to their growing basketball team of children. When he’s not carrying out pastoral duties, you may find him reading “The Lord of the Rings,” snacking on Reese’s peanut butter cups, playing dominoes with his boys, or studying up on Texas history (including Sam Houston, of course).

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: The Jerusalem Council

Rev. Steve Andrews, pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lee’s Summit, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 15:1-21.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: Worship the Living God, not Vain Idols

Rev. Matt Ulmer, pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Bishop, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 14:8-28.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: Appointed to Eternal Life in Christ

Rev. Dustin Beck, pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 13:42-14:7.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: Freed by Jesus, not by the Law

Rev. Mark Barz, pastor at Crown of Life Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 13:13-41.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: The Holy Spirit Sends Barnabas and Saul

Rev. Tim Koch, pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Linn, KS, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 12:24-13:12.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: Persecution and Prison Cannot Stop God’s Power and Promise

Rev. Tim Eden, pastor at Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 12:1-23.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: The Wonderfully Boring Church in Antioch

Rev. Harrison Goodman, content executive for Higher Things, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 11:19-30.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: The Gospel Is for the Gentiles Too!

Rev. Philip Hoppe, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Colby, KS, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 11:1-18.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: Forgiveness in Jesus’ Name for the Gentiles

Rev. David Boisclair, pastor at Bethesda and Faith Lutheran Churches in north St. Louis County, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 10:34-48.

Sharper Iron — To the End of the Earth: The Spirit Brings Peter and Cornelius Together

Rev. Doug Griebenaw, mission advocate for KFUO Radio in St. Louis, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Acts 10:17-33.