Rev. Timothy Appel
Rev. Timothy Appel

Host of Sharper Iron

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Although a mathematics degree may not be incredibly helpful to (proudly born-and-raised Texan) Rev. Timothy Appel while hosting Sharper Iron, his love of CFW Walther and the season of Easter will come in handy. His Call is shepherding the flock at Faith Lutheran Church in Godfrey, Illinois, and he’s also husband to wife Kristin and dad to their growing basketball team of children. When he’s not carrying out pastoral duties, you may find him reading “The Lord of the Rings,” snacking on Reese’s peanut butter cups, playing dominoes with his boys, or studying up on Texas history (including Sam Houston, of course).

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: When God, the Mighty Maker, Died for You

Rev. Joel Heckmann, pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Okarche, OK, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 15:33-41.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: The Suffering and Crucified King

Rev. Nate Hill, pastor at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Winchester, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 15:16-32.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Jesus’ Trial Before Pilate

Rev. Sam Wirgau, pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Ossian, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 15:1-15.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: If We Are Faithless, Jesus Remains Faithful

Rev. Harrison Goodman, pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:66-72.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Jesus Gives the Faithful Confession

Rev. Jacob Dandy, pastor at Zion Lutheran Church and School in Terra Bella, CA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:53-65.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Let the Scriptures Be Fulfilled

Rev. Mark Squire, pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Ansgar, IA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:43-52.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Go to Dark Gethsemane

Rev. Tim Koch, pastor at Emanuel Lutheran Church in Milbank, SD, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:26-42.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Jesus’ Meal of Deliverance for Sinners

Rev. Jason Kaspar, pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in La Grange, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:12-25.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: The Inestimable Value of Jesus’ Passion

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson, pastor at Glory of Christ Lutheran Church in Plymouth, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 14:1-11.

Sharper Iron — The Gospel in Action: Stay Awake

Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Mark 13:32-37.