Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Jason Wagner, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in High Ridge, Missouri, and the Missouri District Life Coordinator.
The Coffee Hour – Expanding Mission Field in Latin America & Spain
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Arthur Just, Chairman and Professor of Exegetical Theology at CTSFW, and Associate Executive Director for the Latin America and the Caribbean region with the LCMS.
The Coffee Hour – Community Health Education Short-Term Mission
Andy and Sarah talk with Lauren Awe, Community Health Education Short-term Volunteer, and Anne Gonzalez, Manager of Short-term Mission Training & Engagement for the LCMS Office of International Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Breaking Down Obstacles
Andy talks with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} How to Lutheran with Bri: The Midweek Supper
In Bri’s new segment “How to Lutheran,” she waxes rhapsodic over styrofoam bowls of chicken noodle soup, leaky yellow drink coolers and all the other austere culinary delights of a traditional Lutheran midweek meal.
The Coffee Hour – Agricultural Consultancy: Part 3
Andy and Sarah talk with Dale and Lisa Wehmeyer, volunteers with LCMS International Mission serving with Agricultural Consultancy in East Africa, and new volunteer Gwen Zagore.
The Coffee Hour – Agricultural Consultancy: Part 2
Andy and Sarah talk with Delano and Linda Meyers, volunteers with LCMS International Mission serving with Agricultural Consultancy in East Africa.
The Coffee Hour – Agricultural Consultancy: Part 1
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Jacque Breman, a volunteer with LCMS International Mission serving with Agricultural Consultancy in East Africa.
The Coffee Hour – Support Lutheran Education at “Brew in the Lou”
Andy and Sarah talk with Sue Nahmensen—CEO of Lutheran Elementary School Association, Katie Foristal— Christ Community Lutheran School administration, and Stephanie Silbey—Lutheran school parent.
The Coffee Hour – Adam’s Children and the Human Diversity
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Todd Wood, President of the Core Academy of Science.