Rev. Dr. Phil Booe
Rev. Dr. Phil Booe

Host of Thy Strong Word

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Native North Carolinian Rev. Dr. Phil Booe serves pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN, and host of Thy Strong Word on KFUO Radio. His parishioners probably think he can’t teach Bible study without a mug of coffee in his hand, and he’ll always be happy to eat a plate of sushi. When he’s not shepherding his flock or teaching on the radio, you might find him watching bad movies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and especially binging RiffTrax and MST3K episodes. Some day he’d love to travel to the Lutheran homeland in Germany, but for now he spends time in Minnesota with his wife, son, daughter, and cat, and looks forward to Holy Week every year.

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 13:1-18: Apocalypse—The Beast and the False Prophet

The Rev. Doug Griebenaw joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 13:1-18. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 12:1-17: Apocalypse—The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon

The Rev. John Shank joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 12:1-17. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 11:1-19: Apocalypse—The Two Witnesses and the Seventh Trumpet

The Rev. Mark Loder joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 11:1-19. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 10:1-11: Apocalypse—The Angel and the Little Scroll

The Rev. Jason Wagner joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 10:1-11. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 8:12-9:21: Apocalypse—The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Trumpets Sound

The Rev. Ryan Kleimola joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 8:12-9:21. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 8:1-13: Apocalypse—The Seventh Seal and the Trumpets Begin

The Rev. Tysen Bibb joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 8:1-13.

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 7:1-17: Apocalypse—The Sealed and the Saved

The Rev. David Boisclair joins guest host Rev. John Lukomski to study Revelation 7:1-17.

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 6:1-17: Apocalypse—The Opening of the Seals

The Rev. Jim Daub joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 6:1-17. 

Thy Strong Word — Free-Text First Friday: Holy Heirlooms or Hollow Hype?

The Rev. Phillip Fischaber joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study FTFF: Relics. 

Thy Strong Word — Revelation 5:1-14: Apocalypse—The Lamb Worthy to Open the Scroll

The Rev. Nathanial Brown joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Revelation 5:1-14.