KFUO Radio
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Studio A

Topic: In hour 1, hear Dr. Andrew Steinman and Tom Pauken discuss the topic, “Taxing Ourselves to Prosperity?” In Hour 2, Roland Lettner talks with guest Art Vanick, co-author of the books “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? (cph.org)…

The Bible Study – Genesis 17

Topic: Abraham and the Covenant of Circumcision Guest(s): Rev. Paul Hemenway, Rev. Rick Boshoven Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_09a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_09b.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 16

Topic: Sarai and Hagar Guest(s): Dr. Lane Burgland, Dr. Victor Belton Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_08a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_08b.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 15

Topic: God’s Covenant with Abram Guest(s): Lenten Service Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_07a.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 14

Topic: Abram Rescues Lot Guest(s): Rev. Kurt Taylor, Rev. Timothy Schaar Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_06a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_06b.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 13

Topic: Abram and Lot Separate Guest(s): Rev. Chuck Spomer, Rev. Paul Nus Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_05a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_05b.mp3Download Audio File

Studio A

Topic: In hour 1, hear Rev. Ron Crews, retired colonel and chaplain with the U.S. Army and Executive Director of the Chaplain Alliance discuss “The Gay Agenda and Military Chaplains” and Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Director of the League of Faithful…

The Bible Study – Genesis 12

Topic: The Call of Abram Guest(s): Rev. Matt Roeglin, Rev. Warren Woerth Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_02a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_02b.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 11

Topic: Tower of Babel Guest(s): Rev. Curtis Deterding, Rev. Ken Wagner Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_01a.mp3Download Audio File http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Mar_01b.mp3Download Audio File

The Bible Study – Genesis 9:18-28

Topic: Noah’s Descendants Guest(s): Rev. Larry Troxel Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/BS12/BS_Feb_29a.mp3Download Audio File