Topics of Discussion: (1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brotherhood of John the Steadfast, (2) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, (3) Rev. Farrukh Khan talks about POBLO and showing Christ’s love to refugees, and (4) today’s biblical text is from Romans 5:1-21 “Peace with God through Faith”.
Ask the Pastor
For the week of January 7-11, 2013 with guests Rev. Mark Femmel, Rev. Dave Boisclair, Rev. Ryan Fouts, Rev. Ryan Fehrmann, and Rev. Kirk Clayton.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Rev. Dave Bueltmann talks about the Wittenberg Project, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, (3) and the biblical text for today covers Romans 3:1-18 “God’s Righteousness Upheld”.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Kevin Golden talks about the upcoming LIFE service of Word and Music at Village Ladue, (2) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (3) Rev. William Weedon talks about his article “Upside Down Lives” in the Lutheran Witness, (4) today’s bible study covers Romans 2:17-29 “God’s Judgement and the Law”.
Studio A
Topics of Discussion: (1) “After The Fiscal Cliff… What’s Next?” with guest David Harsanyi, (2) “Why The Current Econmic System Is Doomed To Repeated Failures” with guest Harry C. Veryser, (3) “The Political Martin Luther” with guest Dr. Jarrett A. Carty, and (4) “The Apostle John – Epistle Writer” with guest Dr. Bruce G. Schuchard.