Topics of Discussion: (1) Becky Rogness talks about Right of Life, (2) Rev. Dr. Gilbert Meilaender talks about his article “Bios & Biology” in the Lutheran Witness, (3) Rev. Bruce Keseman takes a look at the biblical text Romans 11:25-12:13 “The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation” and “A Living Sacrifice”, and (4) today’s Matins Sermonette is given by Jason Krause of Cross of Christ in Bountiful, Utah.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Pat Fick talks about the LCMS Mission Trips for 2013, (2) Rev. Nicholas Salifu talks about his ministry in Ghana, (3) Rev. Christopher Esget talks about March for Life 2013, and (4) today’s biblical text covers Romans 11:1-24 “The Remnants of Israel” and “Gentiles Grafted In”.
Ask the Pastor
For the week of January 14-18, 2013 with guests Pastor Emeritus Fred Baue, Rev. Dan Torkelson, Rev. Tony Troup, Rev. Richard Moore, and Rev. Stephen Hower
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Carla Hagan talks on Financial Peace University — Real Estate, Mortgages, and the Great Misunderstanding, (2) Creation vs. Evolution with Rev. Warren Woerth from the Creation Club, and (3) the biblical text and matins sermonette for today covers Romans 8:18-39 “Future Glory” and “God’s Everlasting Love”.