KFUO Radio
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Cross Defense – The Apologetics of The Defense Never Rests

Today’s Topics include Evangelicalism to Lutheranism; Lutheranism to Evangelicalism; An Attorney’s Look at Christianity’s Admissible Evidence; Responding to the New Atheists and Other Modern Attacks

Reformation Rush Hour – “Prayer”

Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!

Reformation Rush Hour

Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!

Cross Defense – The Apologetic of the Problem of Suffering & Evil

Today we look at Psalm 22; Biblical Mandate for Apologetics as from a Suffering Context; the existential dimension to apologetics of suffering; why the laments in Scripture are so useful in this area; and the tincture of God’s love and grace in Christ.

Reformation Rush Hour

Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!

Reformation Rush Hour

Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!