Rev. Brady Finnern
Rev. Brady Finnern

Host of Thy Strong Word

507 Articles0 Comments

Rev. Brady Finnern, host of Thy Strong Word. is an expert in all things Minnesota, including hiking the great mountains of the 5th flattest state in the Union and making his own maple syrup. Although chow mein, fried ice cream, and Peanut Persian donuts with maple frosting are at the top of his foodie list, his prized possessions include his gas station refillable fountain soda cup (which, he says, the savings will pay for college for his 4 kids). Pastor Finnern's Divine Call is as President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and in addition he also enjoys traveling, coaching track, and movie nights with his wife and kids that may or may not include Shawshank Redemption or any of the Thriller movies. When he's not singing his favorite hymns or listening to his favorite metal music, you might find him working out or taking naps. (Probably naps.)

Thy Strong Word – Matthew 3. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: So it begins

Rev. Scott Adle, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School in Collinsville, IL joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Matthew 3.

Thy Strong Word – Matthew 2:13-22. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: Jesus, the perfect Israel.

Rev. Dustin Beck of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Matthew 2:13-22.

Thy Strong Word – Matthew 2:1-12. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: Even to Magi.

Rev. John Shank, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Edwardsville, IL joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Matthew 2:1-12.

Thy Strong Word – Matthew 1. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: God’s plan in Christ.

Rev. Jason Shockman, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc, WI joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Matthew 1.

Thy Strong Word – Introduction to Matthew. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: Reign of God.

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, author of the three Concordia Commentary volumes on Matthew, joins Rev. Brady Finnern to introduce the Gospel of Matthew.

Thy Strong Word – Psalm 135. Keep praying saints: Boast in the LORD, boast His name!

Rev. Dr. Jason Wagner, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in High Ridge, MO joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study and pray Psalm 135.

Thy Strong Word – Song of Songs 8. God’s love for the church: By the Word, welcome to the family.

Rev. Dr. Curtis Deterding, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, FL joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Song of Songs 8.

Thy Strong Word – Song of Songs 7. God’s love for the church: Beauty and pleasant in Christ.

Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Church in Pine Lawn, MO joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Song of Songs 7.

Thy Strong Word – Song of Songs 6. God’s love for the church: I am His and He is mine.

Rev. Dr. Allan Buss, District President of the Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Song of Songs 6.

Thy Strong Word – Song of Songs 5. God’s love for the church: I am sick with love, my beloved.

Rev. David Fleming, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church and School in Grand Rapids, MI & Executive Director of Spiritual Care with DOXOLOGY, joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Song of Songs 5.