With guests Elizabeth Gifford, Teresa Lermon, Kelly Thran, and Kyla Ruhl.
His Time – Lutheran Haven, Witness Wednesday, “Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath”
(1) Susan Duda Hanas talks about the wonderful opportunities for retirement at Lutheran Haven, (2) Rev. Mark Wood joins us for Witness Wednesday, and (3) Chaplain Steve Hokana looks at Matthew 12:1-21 and gives today’s sermonette.
Concordia University Chicago Kapelle – Fall Tour 2016
With guest Dr. Charles P. Brown.
Faith’n’Family – Missionary Life in the Cayman Islands; Lutherans for Life in Latvia
With guests Rev. Leif Hasskarl and Janis Diekonts.
His Time – Concordia University Chicago Kapelle Choir, Keith & Kristyn Getty in Concert, “Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest”
(1) Dr. Charles P. Brown talks about the Concordia University Chicago Kapelle choir and their upcoming concert in St. Louis, (2) Bobby Schroeder talks about the upcoming Keith and Kristyn Getty concert being held at St. John’s in Arnold, MO, and (2) Rev. Carl Noble looks at Matthew 11:20-30 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – Ephphatha Lutheran Mission and Education for the Deaf
With guest Rev. Brant Engel.