Topic: Joash Repairs the Temple Guest(s): Rev. Kurt Taylor Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 17-20
Topic: Jehoshaphat King of Judah Guest(s): Rev. Chuck Spomer Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – Ask the Pastor
Topic: Ask the Pastor Guest(s): Rev. Martin Noland Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 14-15
Topic: Asa King of Judah Guest(s): Rev. Todd Wilken Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 13
Topic: Abijah King of Judah Guest(s): Rev. Lane Burgland Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 11-12
Topic: Rehoboam Fortifies Judah Guest(s): Rev. David Boisclair Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 9
Topic: The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon Guest(s): Rev. Bill Simmons Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – Ask the Pastor
Topic: Ask the Pastor Guest(s): Rev. Joe Cox Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 7
Topic: The Dedication of the Temple Guest(s): Rev. Tom Baker Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File
The Bible Study – 2 Chronicles 5
Topic: The Ark Brought to the Temple Guest(s): Rev. Mark Hawkinson Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File