Concord Matters — Confessional Subscription in the ELCA: Past & Present

Rev. Dr. Mark Granquist joins Rev. Brady Finnern to discuss the history of confessional subscription in American Lutheranism and the current view of the ELCA.

Wrestling With the Basics — Exceeding Expectations

With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.

Thy Strong Word — Job 13-14: “Though He Slay Me, I Will Hope in Him”

The Rev. Jared Nies joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Job 13 and 14. 

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Book Club Wrap Up: Jane Eyre

Rachel leads Sarah and Erin in a lively romp through their latest Lutheran Ladies’ Book Club selection, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.  

Daily Chapel — Rev. Mark Kiessling on Mark 3:6-15

Rev. Mark Kiessling gives today’s sermon based on Mark 3:6-15.

End Goals — LCMS Youth Ministry: Exploring the Seven Practices – Opportunities to Serve and Lead

Mark and Julianna dive into the fourth of seven practices in “Opportunities to Serve and Lead.”

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Relationships, Opportunities, and Invitations (Rebroadcast)

How do relationships, opportunities, and invitations encourage young people to remain in the church and consider church work? Rev. Seth Flick shares his story.

Sharper Iron — The Fifth Evangelist – Isaiah 34:1-17: Vengeance for the Cause of Zion

Rev. David Appold joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Isaiah 34:1-17. 

Oratio: Itching Ears

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: 2 Timothy 3:1-17

Rev. Tony Kobak gives today’s sermonette.

100th Anniversary Documentary

On the ‘Lutheran Witness’
Searching Scripture Jan
The Coffee Hour— “The Blessed Seed” LW Searching Scripture, January 2025: Genesis 3:9-15

Rev. Carl Roth talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the January 2025 issue of the Lutheran Witness.